
imgCOCO test-dev DetectoRS (ResNeXt-101-32x4d, multi-scale)DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature Pyramid and Switchable Atrous Convolution  See all
imgCOCO minival EfficientDet-D7(single-scale)EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection  See all
imgPASCAL VOC 2007 SNIPERSNIPER: Efficient Multi-Scale Training  See all
imgKITTI Cars Easy PatchesPatch Refinement -- Localized 3D Object Detection  See all
imgCrowdHuman (full body) IterDet (Faster RCNN, ResNet50, 2 iterations)IterDet: Iterative Scheme for ObjectDetection in Crowded Environments  See all
imgKITTI Cars Moderate PatchesPatch Refinement -- Localized 3D Object Detection  See all
imgKITTI Cars Hard PatchesPatch Refinement -- Localized 3D Object Detection  See all
imgWiderPerson IterDet (Faster RCNN, ResNet50, 2 iterations)IterDet: Iterative Scheme for ObjectDetection in Crowded Environments  See all
imgPASCAL VOC 2012 SSD512 (07+12+COCO)SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector  See all
imgImageNet Detection Inception V1Going Deeper with Convolutions  See all
imgVisual Genome MSDNScene Graph Generation from Objects, Phrases and Region Captions  See all
imgPeopleArt Fast R-CNN (VGG16)Detecting People in Artwork with CNNs  See all
imgCaltech Lanes Cordova caSaliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection  See all
imgSIXray Mask R-CNN with ResNet101Evaluation of a Dual Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Object-wise Anomaly Detection in Cluttered X-ray Security Imagery  See all
imgIndia Driving Dataset hybrid incremental netOn Generalizing Detection Models for Unconstrained Environments  See all
imgBDD100k hybrid incremental netOn Generalizing Detection Models for Unconstrained Environments